General workshop and student course on domestic violence
I. 45-minute workshop for physicians
Designed as a virtual, interactive workshop; presentation “Domestic violence in the health sector” can be used and tailored to individual needs.
II. 90-minute workshop for medical schools
Designed as a virtual, interactive workshop; presentation “Domestic violence in the health sector” can be used and tailored to individual needs.
I. Preparation for the students – 3 days in advance
- Home assignment with 3 quotes on domestic violence
Discussion guided by those questions:
1) What do these quotations ring in you? What do they say about domestic violence?
2) Think about the ways in which you may have encountered the term ‘domestic violence and abuse’ so far. How do you define domestic violence and abuse? What does the terms mean for you and are you aware of any other terms describing the same phenomenon?
- Course content is based on the IMPRODOVA trainings platform:
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, Module 6, Module 7, as well as statistics and training materials
II. Workshop
- Discussion of the home assignment (10 Min)
- Introduction to the EU project IMPRODOVA and presentation of the IMPRODOVA training platform (5 Min)
- Module 1: Forms and dynamics of domestic violence, Training video (15 Min)
- Module 2: Indicators and injury patterns for domestic violence, Training video, Repetition based on two case studies (45 Min)
- The victim discloses the domestic violence – what now?: Reference to Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, Module 6 and Module 7 (5 Min)
- Introduction – Domestic violence in the health sector: Stages of effective response, Training video (5 Min)
- Take home messages (5 Min)
> the End <
III. Student course for medical schools
Designed as a virtual, interactive seminar with presentations for up to 16 students in 4 groups; including preparation and conception of the group work it corresponds to 28 SW.
I. Preparation for the students- 14 days in advance
- Home assignment with 3 quotes on domestic violence
Discussion guided by those questions:
1) What do these quotations ring in you? What do they say about domestic violence?
2) Think about the ways in which you may have encountered the term ‘domestic violence and abuse’ so far. How do you define domestic violence and abuse? What does the terms mean for you and are you aware of any other terms describing the same phenomenon?
- Course content is based on the IMPRODOVA trainings platform:
Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4, Module 5, Module 6, Module 7, as well as statistics und training materials
4 groups:
- Group 1: Forms and dynamics of domestic violence (presentation) and draft of a case study
- Group 2: Indicators of domestic violence (presentation); design of a campaign poster on the topic indicators of domestic violence
- Group 3: Istanbul convention/legal framework (presentation); preparing and facilitating a panel discussion
- Group 4: Risk assessment in cases of domestic violence in multi-professional teams (presentation)
- Input of the groups sent in at least 3 days before the course in order to ensure optimal coordination of the various contents, to avoid duplication and to give possible didactic advice for the presentations.
II. Day 1 of the student course:
10.00 am – 10.15 am Introduction of participants, introduction into the topic
10.15 am – 10.45 am Disucssion of the home assignment
10.45 am – 11.45 am Group 1: Forms and dynamics of domestic violence
Module 1: Presentation, discussion and case study
11.45 am – 12.00 am coffee break
12.00 am – 1 pm Group 2: Indicators of domestic violence
Module 2: Presentation and discussion of the campaign poster
1 pm – 2 pm lunch
2 pm – 3.15 pm Reaction to disclosure, communication with victims
Module 3: Presentation, interactive case discussion
3.15 pm – 3.25 pm break
3.25 pm – 3.55 pm Risk assessment and gender aspects of risk assessment
Module 5: Presentation and interactive case discussion
3.55 am – 4.30 pm Module 3, Module 4, Module 5: warp-up of day 1 using a case study
> the End <
III: Day 2 of the student course
10.00 am -10.30 am Knowledge assessment and wrap-up by using a quiz
10.30 am – 10.40 am Documentation, and reporting in cases of domestic violence
Module 4: wrap-up
10:40 am – 11:40 am Group 3: Istanbul convention, legal frame
Module 6: presentation, panel discussion
11.40 am – 11.50 am coffee break
11.50 am – 0.50 pm Group 4: Risk assessment in cases of domestic violence in multi-professional teams
Module 7: presentation, discussion and case study
0.50 am – 1.45 pm lunch
1.45 pm – 3.15 pm Simulation of a “round table”- cooperation of multi-professional teams by discussing a case of domestic violence
Module 7: Presentation, discussion and case study
3.15 pm – 3.25 pm coffee break
3.25 pm – 3.45 pm Wrap-up by using „Ficts and Facts“
3.45 pm Feedback round and farewell
> the End <
Workshop on stereotypes and unconscious biases
The workshop is based on the content and materials of Module 8.
I. Possible workshop concepts
- Half-day (4h) or full-day workshop (6-8h) according to need and focus
- Online or on-site workshops
- Individual trainer or mixed-gender trainer tandem (depending on the size of the group)
- Alternatively: Multi-level learning concept with short learning units with a mixture of learning content, videos, quizzes, and handouts for download
- Learning units can be sent to participants during or after workshops (e.g., at weekly intervals) to support learning transfer in the long term
II. Target groups
- Students
- Professionals
- Executives/Management
- Educators/Trainers
III. Methods
- Theoretical background
- Discussions
- Individual and group work
- Case studies
- Role plays
- Hand-outs
- (Online) Peer group meetings
- Audio-visuals (e.g., videos, movies, blogs, cartoons)
- Simulations