Introduction to the topic
Police officers can be the first professional point of contact for individuals who have been victims of domestic violence. Often, these victims may seek help from law enforcement, even if they do not initially wish to disclose the abuse or violence they are experiencing. Victims frequently view police officers as trusted professionals who can provide crucial support and intervention. Therefore, it is essential that the response from law enforcement is of the highest quality to ensure that victims of domestic violence receive the protection and assistance they need.
Learning objectives
This training platform is designed to equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of domestic violence and the skills needed to effectively address this issue. Participants will learn to recognise indicators of domestic violence, communicate sensitively with victims, and conduct police investigations for legal proceedings. They will also understand the importance of risk assessment and safety planning, international legal frameworks, interorganisational cooperation, the impact of stereotypes and unconscious bias and self-care in cases of domestic violence.
This content warning is to inform visitors that the website contains information related to domestic violence that may be emotionally distressing or may trigger traumatic memories for some individuals.