Existing domestic violence training materials and training formats in the medical sector in Germany.
I. Here you will find suggestions for training formats and workshop & student courses:
II. Repository of trainings materials
Here you can find a repository of existing training materials on domestic violence in the medical sector from the five VIRPOM partner countries Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden:

Austria Resources
Coming soon:
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3
Treatment guidlines
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3
Power Points and Training Handouts
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3
Project Reports
- Link to Resource 1
- Link to Resource 2
- Link to Resource 3

Germany Resources

Greece Resources
- Teachers’ Manual for Empowering young people in preventing gender-based violence through peer education, https://medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/Y4Y-Manual_digital_v12.pdf
- Awareness-Raising Booklet “VIOLENCE IN RELATIONSHIPS: MYTHS & REALITIES”, https://medinstgenderstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/Y4Y_Booklet_UKdi.pdf
- Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence – II (GEAR against IPV – II)
- Prof (gear-ipv.eu)
- The Master GEAR against IPV Package and How to Develop your own National Package. https://www.1st.gear-ipv.eu/sites/default/files/1/Master_GEAR%20against%20IPV%20Booklet%20I_English.pdf
- Booklet II. Guidelines for Conducting a GEAR against IPV Teachers’ Training Seminar, https://www.1st.gear-ipv.eu/sites/default/files/1/Master_GEAR%20against%20IPV%20Booklet%20II_English.pdf
- Booklet III. Teacher’s Manual, https://www.1st.gear-ipv.eu/sites/default/files/1/Master_GEAR%20against%20IPV%20Booklet%20III_English.pdf
- Booklet IV. Students’ Activities Book, https://www.1st.gear-ipv.eu/sites/default/files/1/GEAR_against_IPV_Booklet_IV_%20EN.pdf
Treatment guidlines
- Manual of Gender Based Violence Emerging Issues in the refugee camps https://eody.gov.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Protocol-gender-based-violence_eng.pdf
- Building a safety net for refugee women. “Training Resource Package: A guide for professionals working with refugee and migrant populations in the context of GBV specialized services”. Diotima-TrainingResourcePackage-Final-Net.pdf
Project Reports
- Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence – II (GEAR against IPV – II), Prof (gear-ipv.eu),
- Gender Equality Awareness Raising against Intimate Partner Violence , Action Grant Final Narrative Report, https://www.1st.gear-ipv.eu/sites/default/files/1/FINAL%20REPORT_JLS_2008_DAP3_AG_1258_GEAR%20against%20IPV.pdf
- National report on Greece part of Deliverable D2.2 ‘National and summary reports’ of the project Prevent And combat domestic violence against Roma women with the acronym PATTERNPattern_D2.2_national_report_KMOP_EN.pdf (projectpattern.eu)
- INVOLVEMENT OF COMPANIES IN THE FIGHT AGAINST GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE National Study for Greece, https://asceps.org/makingprojects/carve-daphne/wp-content/resources/CARVE_National%20Study_Greece.pdf

Italy Resources

Sweden Resources
- NCK. Handbook National Action Programme for the Health Care and Medical Services’ Reception and Care of Victims of Sexual Assault (please note that this has not been revised since its original publication date in 2008): https://www.uu.se/download/18.719e0b6018d874d37f111249/1707750679902/nck-handbook-national-action-programme-sexual-assault-english-2008.pdf
- Guide to Care Following Sexual Assault (please note that this has not been revised since its original publication date in 2008): https://www.uu.se/download/18.70c811ab18ecb60cae9220c3/1713266678522/nck-guide-to-care-following-sexual-assault-english-2008.pdf
- The medical link in the judicial chain: https://www.rmv.se/wp-content/uploads/Ny-rmv-broschyr-engelska-pdf.pdf
- Female genital mutilation or cutting | RFSU + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPV7ihZS4Po&list=PLtObJKa3H4KzPDsmCz1IzbC5MCpVwTVT0&index=7
- Training videos for health professionals on asking about violence (English subtitles are available) + https://www.uu.se/centrum/nck/for-yrkesverksamma/webbstodforvarden/att-stalla-fragor-om-vald-till-patienter/utbildningsfilmer-for-varden-om-att-stalla-fragor-om-vald
Knowledge centres in higher education institutions
- National Centre for Knowledge on Men’s Violence Against Women + https://www.uu.se/en/centre/nck
- National centre for knowledge concerning violence against children + https://liu.se/en/research/barnafrid
Web course
- An introductory course on Men’s violence against women and violence in close relationships + Men’s violence against women and violence in close relationships
- “Combating Gender-based violence Online” by Amnesty Academy + https://academy.amnesty.org/learn/course/external/view/elearning/279/combating-gender-based-violence-online