Module 10: Training materials (Police)

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Good to read

In the provided resource, you will discover a series of vignettes illustrating how multiple agencies collaborate in various cases of domestic violence to produce positive outcomes for victims and survivors:

  • Hale, H., Bracewell, K., Bellussi, L. et al. The Child Protection Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse: a Scoping Review of Interagency Interventions, Models and Collaboration. J Fam Viol (2024).

Additionally, the following source offers insights into interagency cooperation in child protection responses to domestic violence:

  • Stewart SL. Enacting Entangled Practice: Interagency Collaboration in Domestic and Family Violence Work. Violence Against Women. 2020 Feb;26(2):191-212. doi: 10.1177/1077801219832125. Epub 2019 Mar 11. PMID: 30854943. 

Further training materials

Quiz: Interorganisational cooperation and risk assessment