Ajuda em crise
No vídeo que se segue, ficará a saber mais sobre várias estratégias para uma comunicação bem sucedida:
No Módulo 3, encontrará mais informações sobre a comunicação com as vítimas de violência doméstica.
Serviços de apoio às vítimas de violência doméstica
O vídeo que se segue mostra o procedimento nos centros de acolhimento de mulheres em caso de violência doméstica:
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Estudos de casos
Estudo de caso: Apoio a uma vítima de violência doméstica
Anna, a 34-year-old woman and mother of two young children, had been experiencing domestic violence from her husband, Sebastian, for the past four years. The abuse had gradually escalated from psychological to physical violence. Her financial dependency on Sebastian, combined with her fear for her children’s safety and the lack of support from her close family, made it extremely difficult for her to leave the abusive situation.
A turning point came when a concerned neighbor, alarmed by the frequent disturbances and visible signs of abuse, helped Anna to contact a local counselling centre. Catherine, a social worker at the local counselling centre, arranged a meeting with Anna. During their conversation, Anna disclosed the extent of the abuse she had suffered from, including physical injuries, threats, and psychological manipulation. Catherine noted Anna’s heightened fear, indicating that she and her children might be in danger.
She assessed Anna’s situation thoroughly and found out that she was unaware of her legal rights and the resources available to her. Catherine prioritised developing a safety plan, which included providing Anna with emergency contact numbers, arranging temporary accommodation for Anna and her children at a local women’s shelter, and informing Anna about her legal options.
Over the following weeks, Catherine provided continuous support to Anna through regular check-ins and coordination with the local women’s shelter. Anna and her children received counselling to help them process their experiences.
Tasks for reflection
1) What are the key factors that contributed to Anna feeling trapped in her abusive relationship? How could Catherine address these in her intervention?
2) How important is mutual trust between a social worker and a victim of domestic violence? What strategies could Catherine use to build this trust with Anna?
Ficha informativa
Outros materiais de formação
Ajuda em crise
O trabalho dos profissionais da área social inclui apoiar as pessoas afectadas, ouvindo-as atentamente e demonstrando empatia:
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Serviços de apoio às vítimas de violência doméstica
O diagrama seguinte mostra as medidas específicas que os profissionais sociais podem adotar para apoiar as vítimas de violência doméstica
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Centros de aconselhamento gerais e especializados em violência doméstica e sexual
Os centros de aconselhamento gerais e especializados em violência doméstica e sexual podem prestar aconselhamento sobre vários temas:
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Terapia a curto e longo prazo
Eis algumas formas como os profissionais da área social podem ajudar as vítimas de violência doméstica a encontrar um local de terapia adequado:
Clique nas cruzes para obter mais informações.
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